Attendance and Punctuality


At Vittoria, we work extremely hard to ensure that our children are learning to their best ability and are happy in our school. We know that good attendance and punctuality make a big difference to your child’s learning and achievement. We have high expectations for all of our pupils and that starts with regular and prompt attendance. We expect every parent, carer and child to help us achieve our target of at least 96% attendance and punctuality each year.

Attendance 1


Our school Attendance Officer is Ms Eke. Our attendance Lead is Miss Lambrou. If you have any concerns or would like further information regarding attendance, please speak to either Ms Eke or Miss Lambrou. 


Guidance Notes for Application for Leave Of Absence/Special Leave Request

There is no entitlement for a parent/carer to remove their child from the school for the purpose of a holiday or extended trip overseas during term time.  In accordance with government advice, we will only grant a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances in any academic year.

If you want to apply for Leave of Absence, you will therefore be expected to make a clear and well supported case to prove that the circumstances are exceptional.


Parents/carers are advised not to make any travel arrangements or reservations until leave has been approved.

The guidelines for applying for leave of absence are set out below:

1.      Parents/carers must make a case for taking a child out of the school for any period during the school term. No parent/carer can demand leave of absence for the purpose of a holiday as a right and the school is not obliged to agree to such requests.

2.      The Executive Headteacher/Head of School has the authority, through current legislation, to decide whether or not to authorise the absence. In making a decision, the Executive Headteacher/Head of School will take the following into account:

  • The reasons given for the leave of absence (e.g. the exceptional” circumstances)
  • The time of the year and/or term
  • Whether the child will miss any preparations for tests/exams
  • The students previous attendance record – including any patterns of absence

 If leave is granted, the amount of leave will not normally exceed ten working days in any academic year (Regulation 12, The Education School and Further Education Regulation 1989).

1.      Parents/carers who are considering taking their child out of the school during term are requested to fill in the form overleaf and speak to our attendance officer (Miss Beveridge) about their reasons for applying for leave.   During this conversation they will be able to discuss the impact such a period of leave can have on the education and achievement of their child.

2.      Parents/Carers should note that even if special leave is granted by the Executive Headteacher it will still be recorded as absence, although it will be deemed ‘authorised absence’.

3.      Where a child has been granted a leave of absence and fails to return to the school on the date agreed, and the failure is not due to sickness (backed up by a doctor’s certificate) or any other unavoidable case, the child risks losing his/her place in the school (Regulation 9 of The Education – Pupil Registration – Regulation 1995). If a child loses their place in this way, parents/carers can reapply to Christ the King Catholic Primary School, but we cannot guarantee that a place will still be available.

4.      Children who go on unauthorised leave or exceed the agreed period of leave may be referred to the Local Authority who may seek to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice (fine).


Apart from the most exceptional of circumstance, parents must avoid taking their child out of school for any length of time as there is clear evidence that disruption in a child’s education has a detrimental effect on the child and his/her future achievements.

Please click below for a copy of the application form for term time leave of absence and extended trips overseas during term time. This must be completed and returned to the school at least 14 days before the period of absence being requested.

Please see the list below which details common childhood illnesses and whether children need to stay off school.


Attendance 2





Registration process and key messages about coming to school on time

The school gates open at 8.40am. Teachers take the children into class at 8.45am to begin their learning. Pupils who arrive in class after 8.55am will be registered as Late while the Register is open ('L' code in the register). 

Registers are legally closed by the office 30 minutes after the start of the school day. This means that pupils who arrive late after the Register is closed at 9.25am are registered as an unauthorised absence ('U' code in the register). This counts as half a day’s absence. 

If your child is going to be late due to an urgent medical appointment, please ensure that the office is informed and have seen proof of the medical appointment either before or after they have attended. 

Children don’t like being late. They sometimes feel embarrassed and will miss:

  • The start of lessons
  • Parents/carers being able to talk to their teacher in the morning
  • Finding out what they are learning for the day

Please make sure you give yourselves plenty of time to travel.

If your child arrives late on several occasions, you may receive a warning letter and be asked to attend a meeting with the school's attendance lead (Miss Lambrou) or other senior member of staff to explain the reasons for your child's lateness.  The school will work with you in finding solutions if there are genuine difficulties. However, if lateness persists, you will be invited to a further meeting with the local authority and the persistent lateness may lead to the issue of a fixed penalty notice. 

Minor Illness and School Attendance: A Guide for Parents and Carers

Appendix 1 - Attendance and Punctuality Action Tables

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